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编辑:admin 2014-03-28 09:15:48 浏览:396  来源:元器件交易网


  元器件交易网讯 3月27日消息,据外媒报道,Glassdoor发起2014年CEO满意度投票,微软新任CEO纳德拉获82%员工支持率超过鲍尔默。

  Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格得票率为93%,谷歌CEO拉里·佩奇得票93%,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克得票92%。尽管纳德拉没有跻身最受欢迎的20名CEO之列,但可以看到的是微软员工较鲍尔默更喜爱纳德拉。



  “我个头大,是个光头,嗓门也大,”鲍尔默描述自己的管理风格时说。“不管我想多快速的变化,都会有来自各个层面的阻碍——包括雇员、董事、投资者、合作伙伴、供应商、客户……我们需要打破格局,事实上我就是那个格局。”(元器件交易网毛毛  译)


  Glassdoor this week came out with its listof employees’ most highly rated CEOs for 2014 so far and the usual suspects inthe tech world made the overall top 20, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg(93%), Google CEO Larry Page (93%) and Apple CEO Tim Cook (92%). However, onething we were most curious about was how employees in Redmond, Washington wererating new CEO Satya Nadella so far. And even though Nadella didn’t make thetop 20, Microsoft employees’ ratings of him on Glassdoor make one thing very clear:He’s already much more popular than Steve Ballmer was last year.

  Right now, Nadella has an approval ratingof 82% among Microsoft employees, which isn’t quite as high as the CEOs ofFacebook, Google or Apple but still would have been high enough for him to makeGlassdoor’s top 50 list if he’d been on the job for longer than two months. Incontrast, longtime Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer had just a 47% approval ratinglast October, roughly a month after he announced his planned retirement.

  Ballmer acknowledged in an exit interviewthat one reason he decided to step aside as CEO was because he understood hecould be a polarizing figure within the company and that he might not be thebest person to lead his own “One Microsoft” strategy aimed at making thecompany act more as a whole and not as warring factions.

  “I’m big, I’m bald and I’m loud,” Ballmer said at the time,describing his management style. “No matter how fast I want to change, therewill be some hesitation from all constituents — employees, directors,investors, partners, vendors, customers, you name it — to believe I’m seriousabout it, maybe even myself… At the end of the day, we need to break a pattern.Face it: I’m a pattern.”





