元器件交易网讯 5月30日消息,据外媒报道,美国国家安全局(NSA)声称,斯诺登仅发送过一封与监听相关的邮件,内容为询问行政命令等级划分。
这封邮件由斯诺登于2013年3月发出,内容是询问行政命令的等级划分。除斯诺登外目前没有中央情报局或国家安全局的工作人员为“棱镜门”作证。但电子邮件也不能说明全部问题,要是这些工作是由口头命令指挥的呢?(元器件交易网毛毛 摘译)
NSA claims Snowden only sent one emailquestioning surveillance tactics
The man behind the biggest leak of UnitedStates government secrets in history, Edward Snowden, is having his reputationchallenged by the very entity he sought to call out, the National SecurityAgency (NSA). According to the agency, only one email can be found whichrelates to him raising concerns internally about government surveillanceoverreach. That stands in stark contrast to what Snowden told reporters GlennGreenwald and Laura Poitras in Hong Kong last summer, where he first detailedhis history and the wealth of information he'd taken. "They would say'this isn't your job,' or you'd be told you don't have enough information tomake those kinds of judgments," Snowden says in Greenwald's recent book,No Place to Hide. "You'd basically be instructed not to worry aboutit."
Specifically, the email released today byNSA allegedly shows Snowden asking for a hierarchical clarification. In what issaid to be an email Snowden wrote in April 2013, he's shown asking about thestanding of executive orders (EOs) -- directives ordered by the president whichhold the "force and effect of law." It's fairly innocuous, but therevelation is intended to bring Snowden's credibility into question. "Ifhe lied about reporting issues to his bosses, what else did he lie about?"
The issue with this
It also stands to reason that he would'veraised an alarm internally much earlier given his history with various USintelligence agencies. As reported by Greenwald, Snowden's disillusionment withUS surveillance methods began to evolve into a whistleblowing plan as early aslate 2009. For its part, NSA points out that the alleged Snowden email itreleased, "did not raise allegations or concerns about wrongdoing orabuse." Further, the agency has "searched for additional indicationsof outreach from him in those areas and to date have not discovered anyengagements related to his claims." And us? Well, this is a game of hesaid/she said involving a highly secretive organization and a highly secretiveindividual. The organization has repeatedly been caught lying, as proven byclassified documents revealed by Snowden. Do with that what you will.