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编辑:chinafpt 2022-03-07 14:14:55 浏览:1079  来源:

  Helio steps up product design with $4.75m investment, custom labs and an expanding team

  Helio Display Materials 很高兴地宣布,我们在由Longwall Venture PartnersBGF牵头的A 轮融资中完成了 475 万美元。这项融资正推动我们团队的大幅扩张,并转移到牛津伍德创新中心的定制实验室。

  Helio Display Materials is delighted to announce that we have raised $4.75m of Series Afinance in a round led by LongwallVenture Partners and BGF. The investment is driving a significantexpansion of our team and a move to custom-built labs at the Wood Centre forInnovation in Oxford.

  首席执行官 Simon Jones 表示:“Helio 的使命是以我们全球领先的钙钛矿科学技术将显示屏的性能和效率带到新的高度。此次融资标记了 Helio 齿轮的巨幅推进,使我们能够大幅提高我们设计产品的动能,与显示器供应链中的合作夥伴紧密合作。我要感谢全力支持我们的投资者,他们共享了我们对钙钛矿显示屏光明未来的愿景。

  Simon Jones, CEO, said, “Helio is on a mission to use our world-leading perovskite science to step up the performance and efficiency of displays. This fund raising marks a change of gear for Helio, enabling us to significantly grow our capacity to design products and engage with partners in the display supply chain. I would like to thank and acknowledge our enormously supportive investors who share our vision of a bright future for perovskites in displays.”

  作为扩张的一部分,Helio 将于近日公布对其管理团队的两项重要任命,并将在我们的招募页面上公开数个研发新材料相关的职位,值得您关注。As part of the expansion, Helio will shortly be announcing two high profile appointments to its management team and will be advertising a series of exciting new materials development roles on our careers page.

  有关钙钛矿应用于显示屏的更多信息,您可请查看以下我们近期的公众号文章:For more on perovskites in displays, please check out the following short blog articles:

  不止于色域: 色彩转换如何推动电视显示屏的创新 Beyond colour gamut: How colour conversion is driving innovation in TV displays

  下一代电视为何需要钙钛矿 Why next generation TVs need perovskites

  Helio 是牛津大学和剑桥大学有史以来第一个联合分拆公司,由牛津大学的 Henry Snaith 教授和剑桥大学的 Richard Friend 爵士教授共同创立。Helio is the first joint spin-out from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge having been co-founded by Prof. Henry Snaith of Oxford and Prof. Sir Richard Friend of Cambridge.





