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编辑:admin 2014-03-24 16:46:41 浏览:509  来源:元器件交易网


  元器件交易网讯  3月24日消息,据外媒报道,谷歌已经推出Android Wear,而苹果iWatch仍无音讯。全球股票研究分析师Trip Chowdry预测苹果发布iWatch的最后期限为2个月。

  Trip Chowdry在接受CNBC采访时说:“他们只剩下60天时间,或者推出点什么东西或者消失。对于苹果1300亿美元的现金来说,流失还需要几年,但是它将变成一个可有可无的公司....如果不推出iWatch,它将变成一个僵尸公司。”



  (元器件交易网董蕾 编译)


  It is an extremely weird time for Apple analysts right now. With the announcement of Android Wear, Apple itself may not be all that shaken, but the analysts who make their living talking about Apple are definitely having strange reactions. We saw earlier that one analystdoesn't even believe that the iWatch is real, and if he is right, there is another analyst forecasting doom.

  Now, we know that analysts are prone to bouts of hyperbole, but Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdry seems to have gone a bit overboard. Chowdry recently said on CNBC about Apple's iWatch:   They only have 60 days left to either come up with something or they will disappear. It will take years for Apple’s $130 billion in cash to vanish, but it will become an irrelevant company… it will become a zombie, if they don’t come up with an iWatch.  

  Yes, folks. Apparently, the iWatch is the device that will make or break Apple. On one hand, it is almost possible to see the reasoning here. There have been plenty of research firms that have said wearables will be pulling in billions over the course of this decade, and the competition is already looking fierce. We don't know what Apple has to offer yet, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how Apple could announce anything that would dominate the market, unless it gets a jump on the competition.   

  Of course, as Apple is showing right now with the iPhone and iPad, this is a company that doesn't necessarily need huge market share (or even a majority of the market) in order to bring in enormous revenue. And, we still don't even know what the profit potential is for wearables. Right now, they are best as companion devices, and it it almost impossible for a companion device to destroy a company. At the end of the day, the most we may be able to take from this is the battle of absurd predictions that could be brewing between Chowdry and Apple fanalyst Gene Munster. 





