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英伟达发布Jetson Tk1 称世界首款移动超级计算机

编辑:admin 2014-03-26 10:46:36 浏览:1462  来源:元器件交易网

英伟达发布Jetson Tk1 称世界首款移动超级计算机0

  元器件交易网讯 3月26日消息,据外媒报道,在近日的GPU技术大会上英伟达发布基于Tegra K1的嵌入式开发套件Jetson TK1,售价为192美元(约合1200元人民币)。

  该套件采用与泰坦(Titan)超级计算机相同的架构,英伟达CEO黄仁勋称其为“世界上最小的小型超级计算机”,并提到Jetson TK1可以运行任何在泰坦上运行的任务,但速度相对会慢一些。

  这款套件专为先进的机器人技术、无人驾驶汽车及模拟人类认知的计算机技术设计,英伟达称Jetson TK1较Arduinos或树莓派性能更高——它的处理能力达到326亿次浮点运算/秒,且更适合无人驾驶飞机、超声机器及无人驾驶汽车使用。(元器件交易网毛毛  译)


  Wish you had your own personalsupercomputer? Soon, you'll be able to buy one -- well, sort of. At its GPUTechnology conference today, NVIDIA announced the Jetson TK1, a $192 TegraK1-based development kit built on the same architecture that powers the Titansupercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratories. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Haungdescribes it as "the world's tiniest little supercomputer," notingthat it's capable of running anything the Titan can run, but at a much slowerpace.

  The kit is designed for use in advancedrobotics, autonomous cars and computers attempting to simulate humanrecognition of physical objects, but during a post-announcement briefing,NVIDIA beamed at the suggestion that builders might use it in quirky makerprojects. Joking aside, however, they clarified that Jetson is a higher-gradeboard than you'll find in Arduinos or the Raspberry Pi -- it can push 326gigaflops, and is far better suited to driving drones, ultrasound machines andself-driving vehicles. Still, at $192, we wouldn't be surprised to see a fewJetson-based projects pop up at the next MakerFaire.






