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编辑:admin 2014-05-13 22:09:55 浏览:1027  来源:元器件交易网


  元器件交易网讯 5月13日消息,据外媒报道,美国众筹网站Kickstarter上出现了一款名为Quitbit的打火机,该产品可以追踪每天吸烟数量,并有线上社区供烟民交流。


  该设备可以帮助吸烟者量化吸烟习惯,但不会完全取代传统打火机——Quitbit是电驱动的。(元器件交易网毛毛  译)


  Ask any smoker: quitting is hard.Cigarettes become a part of your daily life, a habit that's not only hard tobreak, but hard to keep track of. "Tracking is one of the most importantfactors in one's health," Ata Ghofrani told us at a recent Haxlr8r event."Being cognizant of our smoking behavior." Ghofrani and his partner,Kuji Nakano were looking for a way to track and reduce their smoking behavior,but found most health apps were dedicated to promoting positive behavior, notreducing negative ones. They soon teamed up to create Quitbit: a cigarettelighter that keeps track of how much you smoke.

  At a glance, the Quitbit looks an awful lotlike a regular Zippo-style lighter, albeit a Zippo with a screen. This smallLED display (pictured above on an early prototype) runs a tally of how manycigarettes you smoke each day and how long it's been since you last lit up.This data alone is enough to give smokers some accountability, but it can domore. A companion smartphone app can be used to track the data over longerperiods of time, set goals, share successes with an online community and eventrack how much money smokers have saved from cutting back. The lighter can alsobe programmed not to work for extended periods -- forcing smokers to cut backto a set amount of cigarettes each day.

  It's a neat device for smokers looking toquantify their habit, but it won't completely replace your traditional lighter:the gizmo is all-electric, meaning it uses a coiled heating element instead ofthe usual flame. Still, if you're looking to put a number on your oralfixation, check out the product's Kickstarter page: it just launched.





