元器件交易网讯 5月14日消息,据外媒报道,谷歌刚刚宣布谷歌眼镜面向美国公开发售,售价仍为1500美元(约合9343元人民币)。
而现在只要有1500美元就可以加入谷歌探索项目(Explorer program)测试版,并加入附近#glassnightout话题互动。同时谷歌还发布视频表达对首批用户的感谢。但
There's no longer a need to attend a golftournament or carefully log on for a one-day sale, as Google has just announcedit's opening sales of the Glass headset to all (in the US). As long as they'rein stock and you have $1,500, you too can join the beta Explorer program and bepart of a nearby #glassnightout. Now that Glass is more widely available,Google is saying thank you to its first Explorers with a video (embedded afterthe break) asking some of them what being among the first to wear the devicewas like. A major consumer push (and hopefully lower price) is yet to come asthe team keeps working on the hardware and software, but if you're not botheredby some rough edges / weird looks, it's just a click of the buy button away.