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编辑:admin 2014-05-21 03:21:22 浏览:860  来源:元器件交易网


  元器件交易网讯 5月20日消息,今日微软将召开Surface大会,外媒预测5款可能发布的产品。


  1.Surface Mini

  目前Surface Mini的配件已经现身亚马逊,彭博社等各大网站纷纷猜测尺寸大概在7英寸——8英寸之间。微软表示Surface Mini将放弃英伟达Tegra处理器而采用高通骁龙产品,并运行Windows RT系统。


  为了从众多小尺寸平板中脱颖而出,Surface Mini还将配备一根高品质数位笔。

  2.Surface Mini Pro

  ARM架构的Surface Mini传闻漫天,彭博社和CNET却表示Surface英特尔Bay Trail芯片是最佳选择,可以为SurfaceMini Pro提供更好的性能、更优秀的续航能力和更完整的桌面应用兼容能力。


  3.Surface Pro 3

  彭博社消息称英特尔“模式”产品将发布,CNET消息称至少有一款产品采用英特尔Haswell芯片。微软曾在支持页面上添加Surface Pro 3条目,但很快以输入错误为由删去。


  4.Surface Maxi

  专注于显示器及平板研究的IHS Suppli分析师表示,“有强烈的迹象表明将出现一款12英寸产品”,大屏iPad谣言已久,微软会不会抢先一步?



  Surfacebook指的是类似Ultrabook形式的平板笔记本电脑,采用13英寸屏幕及不可拆卸的盖式键盘,提供比Surface Pro 2更多的自定义选项,并提供USB接口。

  Surface Windows手机会不会出现?全新华丽的Lumia会不会发布?或者智能手表?(元器件交易网毛毛  译)


  Microsoft stands poised to unveil the nextchapter in the ambitious, yet tumultuous Surface saga on Tuesday, with aquote-unquote “small” Surface event in New York City. The date’s concrete, butthe details are murky. Just what is Microsoft going to unveil? The Surface 2and Surface Pro 2 were only launched in late October, after all.

  We’ve seen a frenzy of reports allegingexclusive information on the devices. We’ve also seen thoughtful analystpredictions leading up to the event. Mix those with a dash ofMicrosoft-supplied teases, and you get a tantalizing whiff of what might becooking. Here’s a rundown of all the Surfaces we just might see on Tuesday,along with some thoughts on the likelihood of each actually appearing.

  Let’s start with what all indicationssuggest will be the star of the show: A shrunk-down Surface Mini.

  Surface Mini

  surfacemini2 AMAZON

  Surface Mini accessories are alreadyappearing on Amazon.

  Rumors of a Surface slate with a diminutivedisplay are nothing new, but between Microsoft’s “small” wordplay in the pressinvites and a slew of leaks from the consistently reliable Microsoft reportersat ZDNet, Bloomberg, Neowin, and WindowsITPro, a 7- to 8-inch Surface Miniseems all but a lock to be announced May 20.

  Every single one of those outlets—andothers—say the Surface Mini will use Microsoft’s Windows RT operating system,which can run only Windows Store apps, not traditional desktop software.Notably, Microsoft is said to be ditching Nvidia’s Tegra processors, whichpowered both the Surface RT and Surface 2, in favor of Qualcomm’s Snapdragonline.

  To help stand out from the tiny tabletmasses, the Surface Mini may have a high-quality digitizer pen with a heavyemphasis on OneNote and note-taking in general. The Surface’s signaturekickstand may be missing as well, though Neowin and WindowsITPro say thatprop-up functionality will be replaced in optional covers. Those are all agreat start if the rumors prove true, but Microsoft can do more: Check out whatwe think the Surface Mini needs to succeed in a crowded tablet market. (Hint:It takes more than just shrinking the big Surface’s screen size and calling ita day.)

  The Surface Pro’s digitizer pen.

  Will it happen? Didn’t you hear me say it’sall but a lock? I’d be astounded if the Surface Mini weren’t announced with thefeatures listed above. Heck, you can already buy third-party accessories forthe thing.

  Surface Mini Pro

  The release of an ARM-powered Surface Miniwould be news enough, but Bloomberg and CNET say that multiple Surface modelswill be announced on Tuesday, with Intel playing some part. An Intel-based“Pro” variant of the Surface Mini would make sense; after all, the full-sizedSurface ships in both Windows RT and Windows 8 flavors. An Intel “Bay Trail”Atom chip would seem to be the best option for a Surface Mini Pro, offering acompelling mix of endurance, good-enough performance, and full desktop softwarecompatibility. There’s a reason virtually all 8-inch Windows tablets pack thatprocessor.

  Will it happen? While there has been nextto no noise about a Surface Mini Pro, it’s very easy to imagine one beinglaunched alongside an RT-based Surface Mini. That said, I wouldn’t bedisappointed if Microsoft passed on a Pro Mini, as the smaller 8-inch formfactor lends itself much better to mobile-first apps than distinctlyfinger-unfriendly desktop software scrunched down to fit a diminutive display.There’s already a flood of perfectly acceptable 8-inch Windows 8 tablets outthere, and a Surface Mini Pro would be much more difficult to differentiate.

  Surface Pro 3

  surface pro 2 open box K.G.23

  But there may be more than a Mini at theSurface event. Bloomberg’s sources say Intel “models”—note the multiple—will beannounced, while CNET’s sources say at least one Intel-based Surface model islikely to sport a fresh, power-optimized Haswell chip variant. The Haswellarchitecture is reserved for Intel’s PC-class Core series chips, and those Coreseries chips have served as the potent productivity backbone for both theoriginal Surface Pro and October’s Surface Pro 2. Is a Surface Pro 3 inbound?

  Microsoft added fuel to the fire when itpublished a support page specifically name-checking the Surface Pro 3 onTuesday, though the company quickly scrubbed that reference, saying theinclusion was a typo.

  Will it happen? We’ve heard whispers of aSurface Pro 3 announcement as well, but it seems awfully soon after the releaseof the Surface Pro 2 to release a Surface Pro 3, especially since Intel’snext-gen “Broadwell” Core series chips have yet to hit the market. Then again,Intel’s Broadwell processors have suffered from manufacturing delays, andrumors suggest Broadwell may not even launch until very late in 2014. Intelain’t talking timetables.

  If a Surface Pro 3 indeed appears onTuesday, it would seem to give credence to those reports—it’s hard to imagineMicrosoft launching a Haswell-powered Surface Pro 3 now only to announce aBroadwell-based Surface Pro 4 this fall. We’ll see what happens.

  A Surface Maxi?

  giant surface tablet london MICROSOFT UK

  Then again, the Surface Pro 3 could be awhole new entry in the lineup, more complement than replacement to the SurfacePro 2. Rhoda Alexander, an IHS iSuppli analyst focused on monitor and tabletresearch, told CNET that “There are strong indications that there is a 12-inchproduct coming down the pipeline.” Rumors of a larger iPad have run rampant formonths; perhaps Microsoft could try to skate to where the tablet puck ispurportedly going?

  Will it happen? Reply hazy, ask again.

  A “SurfaceBook” or other surpriseannouncement

  But what if new Microsoft CEO Satya Nadellahas something even trickier up his sleeves? While all the Surface modelsreleased thus far have been tablets, Microsoft’s into hardware in a big waynow, and I’d love to see Surface expand as a far-reaching, productivity-focuseduniverse of devices.

  Like Windows lover Paul Thurrott, I’mlusting for a “Surface Pro Book”—a proper Ultrabook-style machine to accompanyMicrosoft’s laptop-like tablets. A notebook with a 13-inch screen and apermanent Type Cover-style keyboard (but with better key travel); a notebookthat offers more customization options than the Surface Pro 2, but stillmanages to cram it all into a thin-and-light package, as Ultrabooks are wont tobe. Some extra USB ports would be nice, too. I’d personally much rather see IHSiSuppli’s rumored 12-inch Surface panels land in something like this than alarger Surface tablet—though the appearance of a Surface Pro Book would nodoubt enrage Microsoft’s hardware partners even more.

  There’s a wide array of VaporMg-cladSurface products we’re drooling after. How about a Surface Windows Phone, theall-business counterpart to Nokia’s flamboyant Lumias? It’d be a great matchfor Windows Phone 8.1’s new enterprise chops. And how about a mobile monitoralong the lines of Lenovo’s ThinkVision LT1423p, for when the Surface’s10.6-inch screen just doesn’t cut it, or maybe even a Surface smartwatch?Actually, scratch that last one.

  Will it happen? Don’t hold your breath. Buthey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

  Tune in Tuesday

  So what new Surface devices will actuallybe revealed at Tuesday’s event? Tune in tomorrow to find out. PCWorld’s newsVoltron is assembling to bring you all the details as they’re announced, andsenior editor Mark Hachman will be on the ground in New York to grab somehands-on impressions of whatever’s on tap.





