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LG G手表全方位上手体验:虽不惊艳 但无过失

编辑:admin 2014-06-26 12:34:49 浏览:975  来源:元器件交易网

LG G手表全方位上手体验:虽不惊艳 但无过失0

  元器件交易网讯 6月26日消息,谷歌开发者大会于北京时间今日0时在旧金山召开,会上发布了多款采用全新可穿戴系统Android Wear的智能手表。外媒PCWorld撰文,全方位体验LG G智能手表。

  与三星、摩托罗拉的Android Wear手表相比,LG G的工业设计要更为简单。但与Android Wear的用户体验相比,时尚美观的外形似乎就没那么重要了。

  在谷歌开发者大会的演讲中我们也了解到Android Wear完全基于精简化信息服务,并将时间表、地点、天气及其他你感兴趣的信息予以展示。该系统并未使用类似智能机、平板的传统主界面,而是谷歌全新的可穿戴操作系统提醒模式,及谷歌的New提醒卡。

LG G手表全方位上手体验:虽不惊艳 但无过失1

LG G采用内置麦克风,用户可语音回复消息

  信息收入、发出,所有你在手机上可以看到的消息都被重新设计,更适用于手表的小屏幕。在LG G的使用过程中,可以将其设置为“个人模式”。具体功能将关闭,语音发送信息、查看天气、行走计数仍可使用。


LG G手表全方位上手体验:虽不惊艳 但无过失2

试用版的Android Wear UI迅速流畅,但这是在Android Wear应用没有加载完全的情况下

  LG G重量为63克,戴起来与日常手表重量相似,整体尺寸也没有造成生理上的不便。LG G屏幕为1.65英寸,采用一块分辨率为280X280的IPS屏幕,色彩艳丽。但与三星的炫丽屏(Super AMOLED)相比在饱和度方面还有差距。

  LG G是一款简单的平板化的金属手表,拥有泰坦黑、白金两种颜色。

LG G手表全方位上手体验:虽不惊艳 但无过失3

LG G厚度为10毫米,试戴感受与佩戴普通手表无异

  400毫安的电池可以维持36小时的使用时间,续航较短同时LG G并不使用USB线充电。LG G采用充电底座,因此对充电设备有所限制,但至少不用每次找小的看不到的插口来充电。

  LG G内部装载一颗1.2GHz的骁龙400处理器,4GB存储及具有加速度传感器、陀螺仪、指南针功能的9轴传感器。

  LG手表今日将于谷歌Play商店销售,售价为229美元,7月7日开始发货。(元器件交易网毛毛  编译)


  LG’s G Watch may have a more simpleindustrial design than the Android Wear watches from Samsung and Motorola, butwith a user experience so emphatically focused on the Android Wear OS itself,fashion aesthetics may not matter quite so much.

  Indeed, as we learned Wednesday during theGoogle I/O keynote, Android Wear is all about serving snippets of contextualinformation that respond to external signals like your schedule, your location,the weather, and other data points you deem interesting. The system doesn’tboast a traditional home screen like you’d find on a phone or tablet. Instead,Google’s new wearable OS serves notifications and Google Now alerts on cardsthat take over the watch face.

  Thanks to a built-in microphone, you canreply to Hangouts messaging with voice replies.

  Information slips in. Information slipsout. And everything you would otherwise see on your phone has been reformattedand reconsidered for teeny-tiny watch displays. During my hands-on G Watchdemo, I could only play with the watch set to “retail mode.” Actual functionswere turned off, but the experience demonstrated how Android Wear can be usedfor voice-controlled text messaging, checking the weather, and seeing one’s stepcounts.

  Swiping through the home screen cards, Ifound everything about the UI to be fluid and natural. Some of s erred abit too small for my eyes, but in general LG and Google have done a good job insurfacing the info that matters most.

  The Android Wear UI was fast and fluid onthe demo unit I played with. But remember: It wasn't actually running fullAndroid Wear apps.

  At 63 grams, the G Watch felt just as lighton my wrist as my everyday analog watch, and its overall dimensions didn’toverwhelm my anatomy. The G Watch’s 1.65-inch, 280x280 IPS display promisesalways-on performance. The display is fairly bright, but not as brilliant asthe saturated tones of the Super AMOLED displays on Samsung devices.

  As you can see from my photos, the G Watchis just a simple slab of metal with slightly rounded-off edges. It comes in twocolors—“black titan” and “white gold”—and LG says the case is forged from asingle block of stainless steel.

  The G watch is 10 mm thick. Put it on, andit basically feels like you're wearing a normal wristwatch.

  A 400 mAh battery is rated for 36 hours ofuse. That’s not great battery life, and the G Watch doesn’t directly accept astandard USB cable for charging. Instead you lay the watch on a separatecharging cradle. It’s an approach that limits you to proprietary charginghardware, but at least you don’t have to fiddle with a tiny insertion pointevery time you need to charge.

  Other internal components include a 1.2GHzSnapdragon 400 processor, 4GB of storage (for all your new Android Wear apps),and a 9-axis sensor that features an accelerometer, gyroscope and compass.

  LG confirmed that the step counts you seein the image at the top of this article orginate directly from the G Watchitself—the wearable doesn’t need to pull them from a phone or, say, LG’sLifeband Touch activity tracker.

  The G Watch will go on sale in the GooglePlay store today for $229, and should ship to early buyers on July 7. It maynot be the most glamorous Android Wear hardware announced today, but its designin inoffensive—and, remember, Android Wear is the star of this show.





