元器件交易网讯 7月28日消息,据IHS报告称,超高清(Ultra HD)电视仍在缓慢且平稳地渗透全球市场,不过截止5月份,它们平板电视市场中所占比例仍非常小,这意味着超高清电视市场定价过高而不能赢得有意义的市场份额。
“全球2014年超高清电视市场的增长反映了电视厂商的计划,尤其是是中国厂商。并且超高清电视出货量的爆发将发生在今年下半年,”IHS消费电子设备首席分析师Jusy Hong称。
IHS补充称,另外等离子电视销售额在今年上半年超出预期,因为足球世界杯的到来。而随着四年一度的世界杯的结束,等离子电视出货量将急剧下滑。(元器件交易网刘光明 译)
Ultra HD TVs make gains but still lack market penetration, says IHS
Ultra HD TVs continued to make slow and steady inroads throughout the world, but their share of the overall flat-panel TV market remained minimal at the end of May 2014, suggesting that Ultra HD TV pricing in the market remains too high to gain meaningful share, according to IHS.
Among the top 13 brands of LCD TVs worldwide, the share of Ultra HD TV shipments reached 5% in May, up from 4% in April, 3% in March and 2% in February. But while the Ultra HD TV share has expanded by at least 1pp for the last three months, growth has not budged much since September 2013 when the market was already at the 2% level. The top 13 brands account for more than 75% of total LCD TV shipments, and also represent over 90% of overall Ultra HD LCD TV shipments.
Ultra HD TV shipments in 2014 are projected to grow to 14.5 million units, up from just two million in 2013, as global vendors deploy aggressive marketing efforts and roll out new models.
"Growth in 2014's global Ultra HD TV market is a reflection of plans among TV vendors, especially ones in China, to increase sales. And expansion in Ultra HD TV volume is mostly scheduled for the second half of 2014," said Jusy Hong, principal analyst for consumer devices at IHS.
Ultra HD TVs are considered part of the LCD TV market at present. There are no Ultra HD PDP TVs, and Ultra HD OLED TVs will only be available at the end of 2014. Ultra HD TVs have much higher resolutions than conventional HD sets, but the dazzling images come at a steep trade-off: their prices can be several times those of LCD TVs, said IHS.
"In China, for instance, the share of Ultra HD TVs continues to stay below 10% despite vigorous promotion by brands because high Ultra HD TV pricing acts as a barrier for wider acceptance," Hong said. That observation, while true of China, the world's biggest TV market, can also be extended to the largest Ultra HD TV markets worldwide. For China's biggest sales season for the year during the country's national holiday in October 1, TV makers, however, are planning more aggressive Ultra HD TV promotions to boost penetration.
Among Ultra HD TV makers in May, China ones had the largest proportion of Ultra HD TV shipments in relation to total LCD TVs, at 9%; followed by the South Korea vendors at 5% and Japan at 2%. South Korea vendors, however, shipped more Ultra HD TVs, thanks to the size and heft of its two makers,
The two South Korea vendors accounted for 46% of total Ultra HD TV shipments in May, compared to a combined total of 45% for the six vendors of China origin, Changhong, Haier, Hisense, Konka, Skyworth and TCL. China TV brands are popular in their own country but not overseas, and the challenge facing them if they wish to increase global market share is to boost quality, not just rely on lower pricing, IHS added.
Flat-panel TVs overall amounted to 18.1 million units in May, down 6.4% from April but up 7% from the same time a year ago. Of the total, LCD TVs, including Ultra HD TV sets, accounted for 17.4 million units, with PDP TVs making up the remainder at 708,000 units.
In particular, plasma sets have been enjoying higher-than-expected sales during the first half of 2014 because of promotions tied to the World Cup, but shipments are projected to fall sharply now that the quadrennial soccer spectacle is over, IHS added.