元器件交易网讯 4月17日消息,据外媒报道,飞思卡尔半导体公司的Kinetis V系列微控制器将捆绑电机控制设计工具。
这款KV4x微控制器集成了一枚150MHz ARM Cortex-M4处理器与浮点运算单元结合,通过128位宽的接口执行最高256Kb的闪存,从而减少CPU等待时间。
该微处理器从低端池泵到先进的机器人技术都可使用。(元器件交易网毛毛 译)
Freescale Semiconductor’s Kinetis V seriesof microcontrollers come with a bundled motor control design tool.
Intended for sensored and sensorless motorcontrol designs, requiring precise speed and position measurement in parallelwith
The likely applications range from low-endpool pumps to more advanced robotics.
The KV4x MCUs incorporate a 150MHz ARMCortex-M4 processor with floating-point unit executing from up to 256kbyte offlash memory via a 128-bit wide interface that minimises CPU wait states.
For sensorless motor control speed/positiondetection, two 12-bit ADCs support sample rates of up to 1.9MS/s and can betriggered by any module connected to the MCU’s internal peripheral crossbar,including timers, analogue comparators or GPIO.
The KV3x family, also Cortex-M4 based,targets intermediate PMSM applications with CPU frequencies of 100-120MHz, upto 512/96kbyte of flash/SRAM.
The KV1x family represents the entry-levelof the series with a Cortex-M0+ MCU core.