ALAT 2019国际(深圳)前瞻激光技术大会
2019 International Advanced Laser Application Summit Forum
The First Announcement of Conference
2019年5月9日 深圳会展中心
May 9
th , 2019, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center
进入21世纪,激光与光子学成为物理学界研究热点,激光与光子产品的应用为工业、医学、科研、生活带来巨大的改变,是当前最具发展潜力的技术变革之一。为了顺应此时代发展,中国光学光电子行业协会激光分会、北方激光研究院(西南技术物理研究所)、广东省激光产业技术创新联盟、深圳大学等将联合举办“ALAT2019年国际前瞻激光技术大会”,此次大会将作为ALAT 2019第十三届亚洲(深圳)激光应用技术论坛的子论坛在深圳召开。
Since the 21st century, lasers and photonics have become the hot topics of physics research. The applications of laser and photonics have brought great changes in the industry, medicine, scientific research, and human life, and they are regarded as one of the most potential technological progresses. In order to keep up with such development, Laser Branch of China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufactures Association, North Laser Research Institute (Southwest Institute of Technical Physics), Guangdong Laser Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, and Shenzhen University, etc., will jointly hold a conference named as “2019 International Advanced Laser Application Summit Forum”, which is the most important forum attached to China (Shenzhen) Laser Intelligent Manufacturing Fair, on May 8
th, 2019, Shenzhen, China.
With the core theme of "advanced lasers and photonics technology", the conference committee will invite some Chinese and overseas leading teams in the field of laser and photonics research, well-known enterprises and colleges engaging in development of the laser devices and photonics components, and business leaders of laser processing and photonics technology, to discuss the hot topics of lasers and photonics around of the world. In the conference, the recent development of the related fields will be introduced and the exchanges in advanced lasers and photonics technology will also be promoted.
Laser Branch of Optics and Optoelectronics Manufactures Association of China
North Laser Research Institute (Southwest Institute of Technical Physics), China
Guangdong Laser Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, China
Editorial Department of
Laser Technology, China
College of Electronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen University, China
Institut Franco-Chinois de l'Energie Nucléaire, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Guangdong Laser Industry Association, China
Shenzhen Technology University, China
Laser Technology Committee, China Ordnance Society
Cooperative Media:
Laser Manufacture News, China
Applied Laser, China
laser technology, China
范滇元 中国工程院院士、深圳大学教授
王 浟 北方激光研究院(西南技术物理研究所)研究员 国家特聘专家
阮双琛 深圳技术大学 主任
李才莉 中国光学光电子行业协会激光分会 秘书长
王 彪 中山大学中法核工程与技术学院 院长
邵 火 广东省激光产业技术创新联盟 理事长
徐 平 深圳大学电子科学与技术学院 教授
徐慧梅 北方激光研究院(西南技术物理研究所)
安国斐 北方激光研究院(西南技术物理研究所)
董 锐 广东省激光产业技术创新联盟
李国忠 《激光制造商情》编辑
郑 洁 《激光制造商情》编辑
高 军 《激光技术》编辑
Honorary Chairman
Dianyuan Fan Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,
Professor, Shenzhen University, China
You Wang Distinguished Professor, North Laser Research Institute, China
Shuangchen Ruan Director, Shenzhen Technology University, China
Caili Li Secretary-General of Laser Branch of Optics and
Optoelectronics Manufactures Association of China
Biao Wang Dean of Institut Franco-Chinois de l'Energie Nucléaire, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Huo Shao Executive President of Guangdong Laser Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, China
Ping Xu Professor of the College of Electronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen University, China
Secretariat Members
Huimei Xu North Laser Research Institute, China
Guofei An North Laser Research Institute, China
Rui Dong Guangdong Laser Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, China
Guozhong Li Editor of
Laser Manufacture News, China
Jie Zheng Editor of
Laser Manufacture News, China
Jun Gao Editor of
Laser Technology, China
(1) New lasers, components, and applications.
(2) Photonics technology, components, and applications.
Ÿ 致力于激光与光电子技术研究的科技人员和院校师生
Ÿ 从事相关领域研究和产业发展的公司、企业单位
Ÿ Researchers, teachers and students in the field of lasers and optoelectronic technology.
Ÿ Companies and enterprises engaging in researches and industrial development of lasers and photonics.
(1)《激光技术》编辑部 四川省成都市人民南路4段7号西南技术物理研究所
电话:028-68011091 邮箱:
(2)广东省激光产业技术创新联盟秘书处 广东省东莞市旗峰路162号中侨大厦B座1505-1506室
电话:0769-22381699 传真:0769-22384798 邮箱: 或
(1) Editorial Department of
Laser Technology
Address: 4#7, South Renmin Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province (Southwest Institute of Technical Physics), China
Tel: 028-68011091
(2) Secretariat of Guangdong Laser Industry Technology Innovation Alliance
Address: Rm 1505-1506, Block B, Zhongqiao Building, No. 162 Qifeng Road, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: 0769-22381699
Fax: 0769-22384798
E-mail: or
会议日期 Date:
会议地点 Conference Site: 深圳会展中心 Shenzhen Convention &Exhibition Center
May 8 (from afternoon) |
Hotel reception, hotel registration |
May 9, 9:00 a.m. |
Conference opening & taking whole picture |
9:30 a.m. |
Presentation reports |
12:15 p.m. |
Lunch time |
13:30 p.m. |
Presentation reports |
17:45 p.m. |
Conference ends |
Time |
Name |
Company/university |
Topic |
9:15-9:45 |
Keming Du |
EdgeWave GmbH, Germany
德国EdgeWave公司 |
Progresses in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Performances and Application Examples in Industry
超短脉冲激光进展及其在工业中的应用 |
9:45-10:15 |
Tom Gregorkiewicz |
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰 |
Optical properties of all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals
全无机钙钛矿纳米晶的光学性能 |
10:15-10:30 |
茶歇 Coffee Break |
10:30-11:00 |
Yoshio Hayasaki |
Utsunomiya University, Japan
宇都宮大学,日本 |
Holographic multi-photon excitation for material processing and volumetric display
用于材料处理和立体成像的全息多光子激发 |
11:00-11:30 |
Yen-Chieh Huang |
Naitonal Tsinghua University, Taiwan.
台湾清华大学 |
Generation of 100-kw pulsed far-infrared laser at 50 μm
50μm远红外100-kw脉冲激光器 |
11:30-12:00 |
Hong Jin Kong |
KAIST, South Korea.
韩国科学技术院,韩国 |
Applications of the stimulated Brillouin scattering for the high-power and high-repetition rate laser system
受激布里渊散射在高功率与高重复频率激光系统的应用 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:00 |
Volodymyr Kovalenko |
Laser Technology Res. Institute, Ukraine.
激光技术研究所,乌克兰 |
State of the art and prospects of future development of laser technology
激光技术未来发展的最新现状和前景 |
14:00-14:30 |
Malgorzata Kujawinska |
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
华沙理工大学,波兰 |
Digital holographic tomography for engineering and biomedical application
数字全息层析在工程和生物医学中的应用 |
14:30-15:00 |
Rich Mildren |
Macquarie University, Australia.
麦考瑞大学,澳大利亚 |
New concepts in diamond lasers
钻石激光器的新概念 |
15:00-15:30 |
Takanori Nomura |
Wakayama University, Japan
和歌山大学,日本 |
Improved computational ghost imaging toward the measurement number reduction and phase-imaging
针对减少测量数和相位成像的计算鬼成像改进 |
15:30-15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45-16:15 |
Claude Phipps |
The University of New Mexico, USA
新墨西哥大学,美国 |
New Development for Pulsed and CW Laser Application on Earth and in Space
脉冲和连续激光器在地球和空间中应用的最新进展 |
16:15-16:45 |
Akira Shirakawa |
University of Electro-Communications, Japan
电气通信大学,日本 |
Novel Material Ceramics for High-power Femtosecond Laser
用于高功率飞秒激光器的新陶瓷材料 |
16:45-17:15 |
Kenichi Ueda |
University of Electro-Communications, Japan.
电气通信大学,日本 |
Heat Capacitive Active Mirror Design for Thermal-Lens-Free Solid State Laser
用于无热透镜固体激光器的热容有源反射镜研究 |
Not confirmed yet
1) Plane
Shenzhen airport: take the metro line 11 from [Airport], and change to line 1 at [Qianhai Wan], get off at [exhibition center] (about 13 RMB).
HongKong airport: go to the transportation way to Mainland China, and buy bus ticket to Shenzhen (about 110RMB).
2) Train
Shenzhen train station (Luohu): take a metro to exhibition center, you need line change (about 5 RMB)
Shenzhen north train station: take a metro to exhibition center, you need line change (about 5 RMB)
参会登记表 Registration Form
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u 2019年4月30日前600元/人
u 2019年4月30日后及现场注册800元/人
u 学生五折
u 同一单位组团10人以上半价
u 参与承办本会议的单位人员免注册费用
信息 |
账 户 名:广东星之球激光科技有限公司
银行帐号:44050167010100001099 |
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2、 ALAT会务费+参会人员姓名
2、本账号只接受人民币 |
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组委会 |
《激光制造商情》 李先生
地址:广东省东莞市莞城区旗峰路162号中侨大厦B座1505-1506 (523000)
电话:0769-22381699 传真:0769-22384798
手机:13602330080 邮箱 / |
备注:请详细填写登记表,并通过传真或电邮至组委会联系处。 |